Thank you for stopping by our website. Our association covers the western border of Oklahoma. Our churches want to share the love of Jesus with our communities and cities. We want go and make disciples, teach God’s Word, preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and minister to those around us.Jesus was going throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people. Matthew 4:23 NASB
This website is a resource for believers and churches wanting to fulfill this ministry.
Online Giving for Great Plains Baptist Association
For Churches and Individuals to give online CLICK HERE
Reserve Evangelism Trailers By Clicking on Picture
Apply for Southwest Baptist Assembly Caretaker
Key Men’s Invitational Navigators
Vacation Bible School Clinics
February 24,2025 at Main Street Baptist Church in Elk City. 5:45 p.m. Meal
February 25,2025 at Southside Baptist Church in Altus.5:45 p.m. Meal
GPBA Kids Camp SWBA Week 1 - May 27-30,2025 Week 2 - June 2-5,2025
Reserving the GPBA Building in Sayre